
Hetco was commissioned by the Public Engagement department at Wellcome Trust to conduct a research review project, that enhances the findings of the first Wellcome Global Monitor 2018 to reveal and prompt meaningful opportunities for research for teams within Wellcome. We identified patterns within the dataset, and worked with Studio Ala and Smithery to help communicate the complexity of the findings.

The resulting lenses of Religion, Societal Institutions, Benefits and Future Economies are designed to help scientists, programme managers and policy-makers consider trust in science from different points of view. Each lens was developed by combining questions from the WGM.

Project Stakeholders: Caroline Ward and Pri Perara.


WGM Questions


Q12 In general, would you say that you trust science a lot, some, not much, or not at all?

Q30 Generally speaking, when science disagrees with the teachings of your religion, what do you believe? Science or the teachings of your religion?

Societal Institutions

Q11 How much do you trust each of the following?

A. The people in your neighborhood

B. The national government in your country

C. Scientists in your country

D. Journalists in your country

E. Doctors and nurses in your country

F. People who work at NGOs in your country


Q16 In general, do you think the work that scientists do benefits most, some, or very few people in this country? (A lot, Some, Not much, Not at all, Don’t know, Refused)

Q17 In general, do you think the work that scientists do benefits people like you in this country? (Yes, No, Don’t know, Refused)

Future Economies

Q13. In general, how much do you trust scientists to find out accurate information about the world? (A lot, Some, Not much, Not at all, Don’t know, Refused)

Q18. Overall, do you think that science and technology will help improve life for the next generation? (Yes, No, Don’t know, Refused)

Q19. Overall, do you think that science and technology will increase or decrease the number of jobs in your local area in the next five years? (Increase, Decrease, No effect, Don’t know, Refused)